
We receive no regular funding and rely on your donations to support the work we do.

Your donations all go towards making the Museum sustainable. They also demonstrate that you value the many hours of work which our volunteers have done in collecting and putting together this resource for the benefit of our visitors.

Gift Aid
Where possible we like our donations to be gift aided as the government will give an extra 20% to your donation.

You can only donate by Gift Aid if you are a UK tax payer.

If you are visiting the Museum ask for a Gift Aid form and hand it with your donation to the steward on duty.

Donate Online
We are now able to accept online donations via PayPal. Please click the button below to make your donation to us securely via PayPal:

Donations by Cheque
For all donations by cheque. Please make your cheque payable to 'The Weardale Museum'.

Please post your cheque to:
The Treasurer,
The Weardale Museum,
Co Durham,
DL13 1HD

Donations and Gift Aid

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