Our very own David Heatherington recently appeared as a guest on the One Voice podcast, where he and John Rose discussed the Methodist Tapestries Project
It is with great sadness that the Weardale Museum announces the death of our friend, colleague and Trustee Jean Heatherington. Jean's funeral will take place on Tuesday 6th December at 11.30 am in St Andrew's Church, Westgate.
A reminder that Friends of the Museum are invited to attend our AGM on Wednesday, 11th May at 7.00pm. The Funeral of our Museum founder, long time Treasurer and dearest friend will take place on Friday 6th May at 1pm
We are delighted to announce that the Methodist Tapestries Collection now has its own space on our website! In addition to providing some information about the project and details on how people can participate.
How wonderful that the Museum could re-open during 2021, touring exhibitions re-commence and the opportunity for our wonderful Volunteers to re-engage with visitors to the Manse or the exhibition stands.
A wonderful Christmas present! The "Interpretation Plan" for our proposed "Weardale Heritage Centre" has been received from Headland Design Associates. We are most grateful to the North East Local Economic Partnership who awarded us "Kick Start" funding to commission this work.
In March 2018 the Museum received the devastating news that High House Chapel would close and the Museum would need to seek new premises. After a year of stress and uncertainty " The Trustees of the Weardale Museum agreed in principle to explore the possibility of purchasing High House Chapel from The Methodist Church”.
This is a huge decision for the Museum but it provides the opportunity to expand physically and to recruit many new followers who are keen to help to preserve the Historic Chapel.
The Weardale Museum is currently in negotiations with the Methodist Church to buy High House Chapel, carry out repairs and renovations and create a heritage and evens centre for Upper Weardale.